About Our Patient Participation Group
The Clarkson Surgery has a Patient Participation Group who work together to provide the patient view to their Practice on both existing and planned services. The group acts to support the practice in encouraging positive health care prevention. The Practice Manager attends the PPG meetings and can provide updates. Meetings take place bi-monthly on the tbc days/dates at 6:30pm which we have changed to enable those who work to take part. Please view our PPG poster for the next meeting dates (DOCX, 288KB).
Our work is varied: helping with surveys, promoting and supporting health events, reviewing service provision, engaging with health groups such as other PPGs, Patient Support Groups, Healthwatch etc.
What are the expectations of members of the PPG?
We are looking for members who will make a positive contribution to the aims of the PPG; effective two-way communication and support to the Practice. A key skill is to be a team player. We are not seeking skills in any particular area but do need to see a positive approach to he provision of quality health services locally.
You do not have to have knowledge of health service provision nor do you have to be a patient making regular use of the surgery.
Membership is open to all patients and we particularly welcome interest from all age groups and those with families.
Meetings are informal and last up to 1 hour. Communication between meetings is by email.
The positions are voluntary and unpaid.
The PPG will not act as a forum for individual complains, grievances or individuals medical issues.
In summary, the PPGs are not set up to be a 'forum for moaners' but nor are they 'Doctor's fan clubs@. The are a route for patients to advise and inform the Practice on what matters most to patients and help identify solutions to problems.
Next Steps
Those interested in joining our PPG are asked to download and complete the recruitment form (DOCX, 91KB) and hand it in at our reception.
Many thanks for your support.
Frequently asked questions
Q. Why are you asking people for their contact details?
A. We want to talk to people about the surgery and how well we are doing to identify areas for improvement.
Q. Will my doctor see this information?
A. No. It is purely to contact patients to ask them questions about the surgery and how well we are doing. Your doctor will only see the overall results.
Q. Will the questions you ask me be medical or personal?
A. They will be general questions about the practice, how we are providing services and what we can do to improve them.
Q. Who else will be able to access my contact details?
A. No one beyond the practice.
Q What is a patient representative group?
A It is a group of volunteer patients who are involved in shaping the services to patients.
Q. Do I have to take part in the group?
A. No, but we welcome all patients, all ages (over 18) and seek to gain a wide viewpoint and if you change your mind, please let us know.
Q. What if I no longer wish to be on the contact list or I leave the surgery?
A. We will ask you to let us know if you do not wish to receive further messages. If you leave the practice, you will no longer be eligible to remain on the group.
Q. Who do I contact if I have further questions?
A. Terri Zeferino, Practice Manager (t.zeferino@nhs.net)
Thank you in advance for your help.